This promise has been kept since OESTERLE® was founded in 2004 by Dipl. Ing. Hermann Oesterle, with the support of his wife Mrs. Brigitte Oesterle. The focus at that time was in the area of MIM and investment casting. Over the past years, business relationships have been successfully established and expanded across Asia and Europe.Today OESTERLE® is one authorized strategic supplier of many worldwide global industrial companies.Our strengths are constant process development and the best implemen-tation of highest requirements - for safe, highly economical and future-oriented parts made of metal and plastic.
We want your products
to get better.
And cheaper. And faster. And more profitable. And more environmentally friendly.
Getting Started / DraftConcepts Visualization based on hand sketchesDiscussion of inquiry drawingsSelection of the most suitable production process
Creation of a reliable offer for serialproduction, considering the previouslyfound adjustmentsWide range of reliable andsophisticated manufacturing facilitiesto suit the project perfectlyCreation of a cost breakdown overview Ordering tools and samples
Drawing derivation and
Recording and documentation of therequired parameters (tolerances,shape and position tolerances,surface requirements, postprocessing steps, etc.)Part list generation for assembliesCreation of a specification sheet andfeasibility studySuggestions or adjustments withregard to manufacturing process,economy, etc.
Project planning
Project planning and scheduling withall relevant development stepsRegular status updates based on aproduction planMeetings on site or via videoconference
From a onepiece
to serial
From 1 to infinite pieces.
If necessary, further
sample phase
Consideration of further changerequestsImplementation of necessary orwished adjustments
Thorough sample examination Provision of required samplingdocumentation and proofsDiscussion of possibly necessaryreadjustmentsIf necessary, further drawingadjustments
Quality Assurance /
Sample testing and measurementX-ray inspection Functional tests Result evaluation
Support during serial production
Transfer of the previous results intoa stable series runImplementation of changesJust-in-time delivery Kanban System Consignment stock Reusable packaging
The dedicated
industry experts.
For a partnership at eye level.
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) is based on the principle of injection molding,which is the undisputed number one in the series production of plastic com-ponents. MIM combines the advantages of injection molding with the materialproperties of metals.By mixing metal powder with a plastic binder, the advantages of the injectionprocess can also be used for metal components. The binder wets the metalpowder particles and enables shaping. The binder is subsequently removedand the metal powder is sintered in a vacuum furnace below the melting tem-perature, thereby shrinking to its final size and achieving its high strength andresilience, which are largely comparable to the solid metal material.Due to the use of different metal powders, there are nearly no restrictions inthe choice of alloy. Assemblies can often be combined into one part.MIM is the right choice for complex, efficient, fast, environmentally friendly andaccurate parts with high surface quality.
MIM Technologie
AdvantagesPrecisionComplexityHigh surface quality
Investment casting
The precision casting (investment casting) production technique is the optimalchoice for complex components of almost all sizes. The advantage of the pro-cess is, among other things, that parts from smaller batch sizes can usually becast ready for installation with manageable tool costs and often require little orno mechanical post-processing.Castings produced by investment casting, especially by lost wax process, arecharacterized by their level of detail, dimensional accuracy and surface qualityand can therefore also meet the highest customised requirements from a widevariety of industries.Parts with a typical weight of approx. 30 g up to 200 kg can be produced byinvestment casting, and a wide variety of materials from steel to aluminium ortitanium can be processed.
AdvantagesSurface quality Dimensional accuracy Material selectionLarge and small quantities possible
Machining Machining as a manufacturing process for metallic componentscan be used for all workpieces, but especially for complex requi-rements. With no lead time for tools, machining enables fast andstable production.The start-up costs are lower compared to other manufacturingprocesses (e.g., die casting, MIM), so that smaller series and pro-totypes with tight tolerances can also be manufactured, but oftenwith high economic costs.
AdvantagesAlmost tolerance-free production Low quantities No tool costs
With the diecasting process, high precision components from low-mel-ting alloys such as aluminium, zinc and magnesium can be manufac-tured with very high surface qualities. The process is economicallyworthwhile, especially for large series.In die casting, the liquid metal is shot through a piston into a dividedpermanent mold. The sometimes very high pressure loads also allowvery thin-walled and complex components without loss of quality. Evenwith large parts, the mold is filled in fractions of a second, resulting inshort cycle times.If the series size is sufficient, die casting is a highly economical castingprocess.
Sintering as a manufacturing process for metallic components is the rightchoice for workpieces with special geometries, such as compact gear wheels,pinions, bearings or housings, which can be produced ready for installation(also with heat treatment).Sintering allows shaping without heating the material. The metal powder ispressed into green compacts in matrices at different pressures and sintered ina further step at temperatures just below the melting point. The powder partic-les melt together at their contact surfaces and the workpiece gets its dimension and design. Due to a final calibration impact, the workpieces have a very high level of dimensional accuracy.The process is therefore an effective, environmentally friendly and economicalprocess, especially for large quantities.
AdvantagesEconomic Accuracy Speed
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CNC processing
The requirements for components vary greatly depending on therespective fields of application and specific tasks. In most cases, ahigh degree of tolerance accuracy, attention to detail and surfacequality is required, but often only in certain (functional) areas of thecomponent. For these cases, we offer a wide range of post machin-ing processes, also for special requirements, and can process thecomponents precisely. You get the perfect symbiosis of achievableprecision and maximum economy.
Heat treatment
Subsequent heat treatment can be used to adjust the technologicalproperties of materials.The component to be treated passes through various controlledtemperatures at different times (temperature-time profile) and isthen cooled at different rates in certain media, depending on thematerial and process.
Surface finishing
We have many technical processes at our disposal to refine thecomponent surfaces, which can improve the surface properties.Both the functional properties of the component can be impro-ved (e.g., higher wear and tear protection, corrosion protection,prevention of contamination) and the decorative properties (e.g.,through colour changes, gloss levels or similar). Our portfolio ran-ges from treatments such as pickling, blasting or impregnation,galvanizing, nickel plating, powder coating, CDP coating, lasermarking to hard material coatings (physical vapor deposition, etc.).
Numerous manufacturers use ready-to-install assemblies and pro-ducts. Outsourcing has a multitude of advantages for companies.Economic assembly production relieves the customer‘s resources.The products are manufactured individually for the customer accor-ding to specific specifications.Partial quantities are also possible.This service is also part of our portfolio and is already being used bymany our customers, for example in the automotive industry.
Conscientious quality assurance is part of our daily workand an essential part of the Oesterle DNA. After we servecustomers from a wide variety of industries, we align thescope and type of quality assurance comprehensively ba-sed on customer requirements. From the standard inco-ming goods inspection to the 100% serial in-house X-rayinspection, we have the right answer to all our customers‘questions and requirements!
Warehousing and
Just-in-time delivery Worldwide shippingCustomer benefits:• Destocking• Cost savings (storage, personnel costs,administration) and increase in liquidity• Reduction of throughput times• Risk minimization (risk of transport, storage anddelivery delay are with us)
We control and monitor
the entire process chain.
Everything from a single source.Everything fromOESTERLE®.
Your benefits
European contractorImport processing and customs clearanceHigh consulting competenceTechnical process supportDelivery of ready-to-install componentsWarehousingJust-in-time deliveryIn-house quality assurance